24-Hour Home Care Lindenhurst NY - Safety Medication Tips

Safety Medication Tips

One of the things that may be a drastic change in a senior’s life is the amount of medication they have to take. Not all 24-hour home care providers can handle medications, it will take a nurse or medical professional to handle the medications, but 24-hour home care can help keep an eye on medications. They can help monitor when and what a senior takes or give them friendly reminders that can save a senior’s life!

Medication management is vital for seniors because it helps ensure that they take the proper medications, in the right doses, at the correct times. This can help seniors avoid dangerous drug interactions, incorrect dosages, and other medication-related issues. When seniors focus on their medications, they can manage chronic conditions that boost their quality of life. Even if you and 24-hour home care can’t touch a senior’s medications, you can use these tips to help keep a senior safe.

Understand What They’re Taking

You may not be able to handle medications, but you can take notes on the types and understand what they’re taking. You need to watch for a senior taking medications with side effects. Sometimes medications can also have food interactions that cause issues for a senior. So, 24-hour home care needs to understand what a senior is taking and help them find food that won’t cause any problems, so they know what kind of side effects to look for.

24-Hour Home Care Providers can Ensure They Follow Instructions

If a senior needs to take medications at the same time every day, but they have memory problems, this can be an issue. You need to ensure that a senior has a medication routine and follows it. They should follow the directions to get the full benefits of the medication. Taking medication as prescribed can help to prevent unwanted side effects, ensure that the desired treatment goals are achieved, and help to avoid potentially serious complications from taking the medication incorrectly.

Create a Routine and Make a Habit

Seniors need to develop a routine to make taking medication an unbreakable habit. When a senior takes medication randomly, it may not be as effective and may not help them remember why or when they’re supposed to take it. Habits are healthy for seniors to have because they will boost their quality of life.

Find Medication Reminders

Even with the help of 24-hour home care, a senior may need to set up medication reminders. They can use Alexa or even phone alarms to tell them when to take and add notes on what to take. The market now has a ton of medication reminder systems that can also dispense the right medications at the right time.

Record When They Take It

One of the best ways to ensure a senior stay safe is to record each medication, when they take it, and how they feel. This also helps any new caregivers who come to help and also allows other family members to know what is going on. It can also help if a senior needs to go on vacation or take a break from their homes. Then, everyone can know what is going on and what a senior’s regular routine is.

If you or an aging family member are considering professional 24-Hour Home Care Services in Lindenhurst NY,  please call the caring staff at A Gentle Touch Senior Home and Health Care at 631-647-7622  today. From our family to yours, your loved one will be right at home with our first-class quality services.