Musician Huey Lewis is losing his hearing due to Meniere’s disease. That news shocked his fans and also led to questions. What is Meniere’s disease? How can it end a musician’s career?
Meniere’s Disease Explained
Meniere’s disease affects the inner ear. The two main symptoms of this chronic health condition are dizziness and hearing loss. The dizzy spells appear randomly, can last hours, and may cause nausea. It’s usually diagnosed by the time an adult is 50.
While studies find that people with Meniere’s disease have extra fluid in their inner ear, it’s unknown what causes the fluid to build up. Without having a cause, it’s impossible to cure it. Instead, prescription medications are used to ease the troubling symptoms like nausea and dizziness. Little can be done about the hearing loss.
In some people, hearing loss only occurs in one ear. Others have permanent hearing loss in both ears. Some also experience a constant ringing or buzzing in the ears. There may be discomfort from a feeling of pressure within the ear.
If hearing loss is experienced, a hearing aid may help. Appointments with an audiologist will be recommended. If your parent is diagnosed with Meniere’s disease, senior care services are ideal.
How Can Senior Care Help With Meniere’s Disease?
Home health care services help people with this chronic condition in several ways. Caregivers can help with common symptoms like hearing loss, dizziness, and nausea. There are five specific ways caregivers help after a Meniere’s disease diagnosis.
First, a caregiver can help ensure your parent doesn’t fall during a dizzy spell. The caregiver can support your parent when the dizziness hits. Your mom or dad can be led carefully to a sofa or chair in order to sit down until it passes. If beverages or food is needed in the meantime, the caregiver is there to get it.
Second, hearing loss can make driving and walking outdoors difficult. Your mom or dad is going to have a harder time hearing traffic and animals. A caregiver can join your parent on walks and help with approaching dogs or warn when a car is coming. Caregivers can also take over driving.
Third, nausea can be alarming. Your parent doesn’t have to be alone. The caregiver can help your mom or dad get to the toilet or a basket and say there until nausea passes. Caregivers can also help with clothing changes and cleaning if needed.
Fourth, caregivers can help remind your mom or dad when it’s time to take a prescription medication. They can order refills and pick them up.
Fifth, caregivers can help schedule appointments with doctors and audiologists. On appointment days, caregivers are there to drive your mom or dad to the medical office, sit with them, and drive back home. Call our home health care agency to make these arrangements.