Senior Care in Brookhaven Town NY: Balancing Exercise and Rest Is Not Always Easy Following a Hospital Stay
Having to be admitted to the hospital is not on anyones wish list. However, millions of people end up staying at least one night in the hospital every single year. For seniors, the risk of a hospital stay increases with age and a number of other health issues. When an elderly person is on the road to recovery, they will likely be discharged. They may be sent to a nursing home for a week or two before ultimately returning home, but eventually their recovery will be in their own hands.
Thats where a balance of exercise and rest may be needed. It all depends on the emergency that caused the hospitalization and what the doctor has instructed or advised.
What did the doctor say?
Its important that the senior understands his or her doctors expectations upon discharge. As hospitals are aiming to reduce their readmission rates, theyre providing more information and other valuable resources to patients. That information can be crucial to maximizing the chances the senior makes a full and healthy recovery.
The doctor may have advised the senior to get exercise every day. The doctor may have also advised the senior to rest instead. For example, when it comes to pneumonia care at home, just because the individual feels better upon discharge doesnt mean theyre out of the woods. They may very well be advised to take it easy for a few more weeks to make sure the virus is completely expelled from the body.
On the other hand, somebody who recently had a heart attack may be advised by their doctor to get exercise. This can cause some family members concern because they assume exercise or elevating the heart rate is going to increase the risk of another heart attack. In truth, the heart is a muscle and needs exercise to get stronger once again.
What kind of home care support would be beneficial?
Will the senior require visiting nurses? Will he or she need to have their vital statistics monitored, have prescription medications administered, or require other direct medical care? If so, then a visiting nurse may be necessary.
If theyre recovering from a stroke, major surgery, or some other emergency, a physical therapist may be needed to help them regain strength and mobility.
While family and friends are a great support system, they dont always know the best way to provide support for elderly individuals following a hospital stay. Thats why its a good idea to sit down and discuss the benefits home care support offers.
If you or an aging family member are considering hiring senior care in Brookhaven Town, NY, please call the caring staff at A Gentle Touch Senior Home and Health Care at 631-647-7622 today.