If your elderly family member has expressed to you that she wants to age in place, you’ve probably wondered how you’re going to help her to meet that goal. It can be a pretty big goal to hit, especially if your senior has mobility issues or is having trouble with some of the tasks she’s always handled before. Elder care providers can be the answer.

Elder Care in Amityville NY: Aging in Place
She’s in a Comfortable Place for Her.
In most cases, your aging adult may have been living in her current home for a long time. When someone puts down roots for a great deal of time, it’s difficult to imagine ever leaving that place. She has lots of memories there and may not want to leave. You might see a new living space as an adventure for her, but that doesn’t mean that she agrees.
They Can Take Over Daily Household Tasks.
Daily household tasks never seem to stop. There’s always something else to do and if your elderly family member has health issues that require her to rest, she may feel overwhelmed. Elder care providers can sort her mail for her, tackle the dishes, and keep the house free of dust. Having a little bit of help with those tasks can make the difference in letting her stay where she wants to be.
She May Need Mobility Help.
Beyond help with specific tasks, your senior may have mobility issues that leave you a little uncomfortable with her being on her own. Elderly care providers have experience with mobility issues and they can show your senior how to be safer at home. They can also be that extra layer of support that she needs in order to stay as safe as possible.
She Needs to Eat More than a Packaged Meal.
So many aging adults aren’t getting the nutrition that they need. Part of that is because it takes a lot of effort to figure out what to eat, to go get the food, to cook it, and then to clean up. If she has someone else, such as senior care providers, who can handle the bulk of that for her, your elderly family member can get the nutrition that she badly needs without wearing herself out to get it.
Your senior may not be excited about the idea of having help at first. That’s why it’s so important to focus on both her goals and on what could help her to achieve those goals. For most aging adults, aging in place is the main goal behind a lot of why they do certain things.
If you or an aging family member are considering professional elder care in Amityville, NY, please call the caring staff at A Gentle Touch Senior Home and Health Care at 631-647-7622 today.