Has your elderly loved one been feeling anxious lately? It is normal for a person to feel anxious sometimes. However, if your elderly loved one feels that their anxiety is starting to take over their life, you might need to speak with their doctor about it. There is also some information here today that might help you and your elderly loved one, as well.
Defining Anxiety

Caregiver Brookhaven NY – What Do You Need to Know About Anxiety and Elderly Adults?
It is normal for a person to feel some anxiety at times. However, when an elderly adult starts feeling afraid and anxious on a regular basis, this could indicate that they have an anxiety disorder. It is important to understand there are many types of anxiety disorders. Some symptoms that indicate your elderly loved one might have a disorder include the following:
Panic Disorder – Most people with panic disorder often have panic attacks. They tend to have feelings of terror that comes on without any warning. Symptoms of this disorder usually include fear of dying, chest pain, and shortness of breath.
Phobia – People with a phobia can experience an extreme, irrational fear that can actually cause them to become disabled. Their phobia can make them so afraid that they don’t even want to leave their homes. For instance, if they have a phobia of thunderstorms, they might not be able to function at all when a storm goes through their community.
Generalized Anxiety Disorder – Many experts say that this disorder can be a long-lasting condition. A person with generalized anxiety disorder always assumes the worst will happen to them. They frequently worry about every aspect of their lives. A few symptoms of this disorder are headaches, tiredness, and muscle tension.
PTSD – Some people who have experienced a traumatic event get this type of disorder. They might have frequent nightmares, flashbacks, or become depressed.
If your elderly loved one is showing any signs of having an anxiety disorder, it is best to speak with their doctor immediately.
Aging and Anxiety
Certain studies suggest that some elderly adults find their anxiety lessens as they get older. However, this isn’t the case for everyone. Some elderly adults notice their anxiety levels get much worse. This is often due to losing a partner or having to worry about health issues. It is important to remember that anxiety can often be managed. Be sure to encourage your elderly loved one to seek medical help for assistance. They can also get caregivers to help them out during the day or night when they feel the most anxious.
There are many things that could cause your elderly loved one to become anxious. However, keep in mind that if they can’t cope with or manage their anxiety, there are people and resources out there that can help them out.
Source: https://adaa.org/finding-help/helping-others/older-adults