Home Care in Bay Shore NY: A Gentle Touch Senior Care
“A Gentle Touch” Senior Home & Health Care takes great pride in the core of their success. They are a family owned and operated agency. They always enjoy their Irish American heritage and love of all people. Above all, their family…especially around St.Patty’s day each year. Owners and founders Patrick & Denise Ryan, are pictured here with their signature St Pattys day Irish soda bread loaf, one of hundreds that they hand deliver each year to their beloved senior clients, referral partners, and “you” if they see you on their trails each March when the loafs are a plenty.
“There will certainly even be a pint of green beer for you on the holy day itself if we should then meet!”, says Pat with a smile.
Pat and Denise take great pleasure in providing genuine warm , thoughtful and compassionate service. As a family of seven they are experts on sharing, as they live by a simple creedo of two words Winners Give” which really says it all. This makes the Ryan family such a perfect fit for First Class senior care. In closing we wish you all a happy and blessed St. Patricks day, and may the road rise always to meet you!!!
REMEMBER: “When You Get Old, Well treat you like Gold”
If you or an aging family member are considering hiring home care in Bay Shore, NY, please call the caring staff at A Gentle Touch Senior Home and Health Care at 631-647-7622 today.
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Home Care Assistance of McKinney is one of the leading home care providers with years of experience in helping older adults lead a better life at the comfort of their home. McKinney home care experts are professionally trained to offer tailored care to seniors who are diagnosed with dementia, Alzheimer’s, stroke, or Parkinson’s.