There are approximately 48 million people throughout the United States who are currently experiencing some degree of hearing loss. Of these, experts estimate that 30 million could benefit from the use of hearing aids. Unfortunately, fewer than 16 percent actually utilize them. If you are a family caregiver for an elderly adult who has experienced hearing loss, encouraging them to use hearing aids could make a tremendous impact on their health, functioning, and quality of life. It can be challenging to get accustomed to these devices, however, and your parent might struggle, or even resist, when first using them. It is important to help your senior get used to their hearing aids so they can enjoy the benefits of these devices.

Caregiver in Bay Shore NY: Helping a Senior Get Used to Their Hearing Aids
Use these tips to help a senior get used to their hearing aids:
- Reassure them it is normal for the devices to feel strange at first. Your senior may feel as though they are the only person who doesn’t like the way hearing aids feel, or that they are doing something wrong because they can feel them. Reassure your parent they can feel odd and out of place for the first few weeks, but they will get used to them over time.
- Reassure your parent that things may sound strange at first, and that they will eventually grow accustomed to how things sound with the hearing aids in. Make sure you talk to your parent about their expectations before they start using their aids so that they can understand how these devices work, and how they will impact the sounds your parent hears. This can help them to better cope with these changes.
- Encourage your parent to wear their hearing aid as much as possible. Their doctor will likely give them guidelines as to how much they should wear their device each day, and your parent should strive to follow those guidelines for the best benefit.
- Remind your parent that the devices are adjustable in volume. If they are uncomfortable with the volume of their device, talk to their doctor about adjusting it until your parent feels more comfortable about it.
If you are like many family caregivers, you put a tremendous amount of time, focus, and energy into making sure your senior’s needs are met on a daily basis. If you are the primary caregiver for your parent, or even the only caregiver, this can sometimes put you in a difficult situation. You may find yourself caring for a sick child in the same home with a sick parent, or even contracting an illness yourself. When this happens, caring for your aging parent becomes more difficult. Elderly adults have immune systems that are not as strong as those of younger people, which could mean an illness or infection that seems mild to you can be very serious for your senior. Respite home care can be the solution. With respite care, a care provider steps in to provide temporary care for your senior so you can focus on taking care of yourself, your child, or your partner, and diminish the risk of spreading these germs to your parent. This allows you to heal and recover, or ensure your family heals and recovers, while still feeling confident your parent is getting the care they need.
If you or an aging family member are considering professional caregiver services in Bay Shore, NY, please call the caring staff at A Gentle Touch Senior Home and Health Care at 631-647-7622 today.