Home Care Bellmore NY - Why Seniors Should Always Be Moving Around

Why Seniors Should Always Be Moving Around

Every once in a while a “lazy” or rest day is needed to ensure a senior is feeling ready to take on the next few days. Rest days can be mentally and physically healthy for a senior to have but the truth is a senior should be as mobile as possible. Staying sedentary is bad for a senior’s health and they should be moving every single day. Sitting and lying down for long periods without movement can cause long-term health problems that will make it much harder for a senior to age in place even with the help of home care services.

Here are a few reasons your loved one should be encouraged to move around as much as possible.

Movement Helps Muscles and Joints

Do you ever think to yourself that your body feels super stiff when waking up? This is because you’re not using your muscles and they lose their flexibility. This is not only true first thing in the morning, it is also true when you don’t move very much during the day. One of the best ways to keep joints lubricated and muscles working better is by moving around as much as possible. Now a senior may not be able to run marathons or enjoy brisk walks. But simply moving around the house as much as possible can allow them to feel better when they are moving. One of the worst things a senior can do is sit too much because their bodies will get used to it and then it will hurt to move when they choose to do so. Movement can help minimize and manage pain.

Walking and Moving Helps With Cardiovascular Health

As a senior gets older they will need to focus on their heart health more. The more they sit and the less they move the more likely they are to develop heart disease or something else that can be linked to negative cardiovascular health. Your loved one should be focused on moving around as much as possible to maintain a healthy heart but also eating a healthy diet that will focus on heart-healthy foods. Home care can help your loved one find the right foods to maintain the best heart health possible.

The More a Senior Moves The Better They Will Be Able to Balance

Your seniors may naturally lose their coordination and balance as they age in place. However, one of the best ways to maintain balance is by moving around. This allows them to gain control over their muscles and their joints will stay lubricated as they move around. The more range of motion a senior has, the more likely they are to maintain balance and fall less. This can all be life-saving for a senior who is determined to age in place during their final years of life.

Movement Can Be Good for Emotional Health and Resilience

When seniors move less they do not have natural happy chemicals flooding their body, and it may be linked to depression. Not all seniors who are sedentary are depressed but there is a connection between movement and emotional well-being. Your senior should always be focused on boosting emotional health as they age in place

If you or an aging family member are considering professional Home Care Services in Bellmore NY,  please call the caring staff at A Gentle Touch Senior Home and Health Care at 631-647-7622  today. From our family to yours, your loved one will be right at home with our first-class quality services.