We all want the people we love to be as healthy as possible so they can live longer, and we can spend more time with them. Unfortunately, getting older can make it hard for seniors to take care of themselves. That can lead to health declining even further. If your older family member’s health seems to be going downhill, contacting an elder care agency for help may be one of the best things you ever do.
Elder care can improve the health of your loved one in so many ways, like these 4 below.

Elder Care Bay Shore NY – 4 Ways Elder Care Can Improve a Senior’s Health
#1: Assistance with Hygiene
Some older adults have trouble with basic hygiene tasks, like taking a shower, washing their hair, and brushing their teeth. Perhaps they have cognitive problems, like dementia, that cause them to forget how to do these things. Or, they may fear falling in the bathtub or shower. An elder care provider can help them to bathe or shower as well as helping them with daily grooming tasks, including dental care. By being able to stay clean, older adults have better self-esteem and prevent skin or oral infections.
#2: Food Preparation
Lots of elderly people aren’t able to cook their own meals or simply don’t want to. That could mean reaching for easy foods, like pre-made foods from a nearby convenience store, frozen meals, or fast foods. The problem with these is that they are usually filled with salt and fat, but not nearly enough nutrition. Elder care can cook meals for seniors using fresh, whole ingredients that promote better health.
#3: Transportation
Some conditions can make driving unsafe for older adults, such as poor vision or arthritis that makes turning the wheel or stepping on the brake quickly difficult. When seniors are unable to drive, they may become housebound, meaning they seldom get a chance to leave their home and see other people. That can cause them to be lonely and depressed. In addition, being unable to drive can make it hard to get to the doctor’s office for checkups and treatments, pick up prescriptions, or go to the grocery store. Elder care can drive your aging relative to the places they need to go and also the places they want to go, so they can continue to see friends, go to their place of worship, or volunteer.
#4: Medicine Reminders
Many older adults take more than one medication to manage conditions. Seniors who have memory problems may find it difficult to remember when to take medicines, resulting in skipped dosages, which makes the treatment less effective and can be dangerous. Elder care can remind your loved one when it is time for them to take medicine and keep an eye on them when they do to make certain they take the proper amount.
Comments 1
Thanks for sharing this beautiful content loaded with fruitful information. It makes me to add something more on this. A caregiver is able to make sure her elderly companion gets the nutrition they need to stay healthy and active.