Dealing with incontinence is not a fun thing, but it’s a lot easier if your senior has the right incontinence products. There are a lot of different options out there and what might have stopped her from sticking with the task could very well be overwhelm. But she does need to keep going.

Homecare Garden City NY – Four Tips about Finding the Right Incontinence Products
Finding the Right Style Is Crucial
There are different types of products, ranging from pads to briefs. These all also come in different sizes and absorbencies to meet a variety of different needs. Your senior may find that different styles and types suit her needs for different activities and times of day. Taking the time to discover this information is really crucial for her comfort and her peace of mind.
Incontinence Products Can Increase Your Senior’s Sense of Control
Something to remember about how frustrating incontinence is for your senior is that it is beyond her control. Wearing the exact right incontinence product gives your senior back some measure of control over this upsetting issue. Your senior is losing control over other parts of her life, too, which can make it even more important that she has control somewhere.
They’re Convenient and Keep Her Comfortable
The right incontinence products are going to be ones that fit well, that contain leaks adequately, and that she can use wherever she goes. Those are all incredibly important details. If the products your senior is using don’t fit well, she’s more likely to experience leaks, odor, and other unpleasant issues. If they’re not comfortable, she may not be able to move well in them, which can make her feel more self-conscious.
They May Be Available Directly from Mail Order Suppliers
Something else that helps is whether these supplies are able to ship directly to your senior’s home. Often if she’s able to purchase them through her insurance company, they’re delivered via mail order suppliers. This can reduce embarrassment greatly because she’s not in a store trying to discreetly purchase incontinence supplies. This can also ensure that she’s got exactly what she needs, as soon as she needs it.
The right incontinence products can save your senior time, money, and frustration. She may also find that she’s less embarrassed and able to manage her incontinence much more efficiently. Something else that can help is to let homecare providers help her more. They can make these tasks much easier on your senior.