If you are in charge of taking care of an elderly loved one, you need to make sure their home is safe. There are many home modifications you can make to help your elderly loved one stay safe. Before you make any modifications, tell your elderly loved one what you plan to do. It is their home and you do want to make sure they stay comfortable in their home.

Homecare Babylon NY – Home Modifications for Your Elderly Loved One
The lighting is one of the best home modifications you can make for your elderly loved one. Many elderly adults have a difficult time seeing the dark. This increases their risk of falling or tripping over something. In the day time, you can open up their curtains and blinds, so natural light can come in more. During the evening hours and night time, you can get motion sensor lighting, so the lights turn on as they move throughout their home. You can and should also get light strips to put along stairways. This way your elderly loved one can get through their home without falling.
Safety Takes Priority
Since your elderly loved one is still living at home, you want to make sure that safety takes a priority. You should put smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors throughout their home. Make sure there is one in every major room of their home.
Bathroom Safety
In addition to the above-mentioned safety tips, you must take the bathroom into consideration, as well. Many elderly adults fall in their bathroom. You need to make sure to get slip-proof rugs in their bathroom. You should also get grab bars and a shower chair. These things will help to reduce your loved one’s chances of falling in the bathroom.
Clutter can build up rather fast. It can be difficult to make sure your loved one doesn’t have clutter around their home. They may like to keep things of sentimental value. However, they might also be keeping things that just take up space. The clutter around their home can increase their chances of falling. You should make sure to help them de-clutter their home, so they can lower their chances of falling.
The porch is another common place where many elderly adults slip and fall. You may want to have a ramp put in for your elderly loved one, instead of stairs. In addition, you should make sure they have a railing to hold onto as they are walking up and down their ramp. This will keep them much safer than walking up and down stairs without a railing.
These are some of the home modifications you or your loved one’s homecare providers can help them to make. While some of them may take time, others you can do today.
Sources: https://www.nolo.com/legal-encyclopedia/home-modifications-elderly-32265.html