Companion Care at Home Garden City NY - Lifestyle Habits That Can Help as a Senior Ages

Lifestyle Habits That Can Help as a Senior Ages

A senior who wants to age in place will need to focus on making healthy lifestyle changes that allow them to thrive while they stay home. If they do not know where their focus should be it can be easy to put health on the backburner. Your elderly mom or dad should always be talking to a doctor, or a therapist, and even have help at home from companion care at home providers and family members. An entire team can help your loved one thrive and for the most part that is what it takes for seniors to be at home for the remainder of their years.

If you need some ideas on what to add to your senior’s lifestyle that will help them flourish, here are some good ideas.

Sneak In Nutrients

Your senior loved one will need to focus on diet more than anything else. Their bodies still need to meet a specific caloric intake and they need tons of nutrients to help them thrive while they age in place. Instead of forcing them to eat raw fruits and vegetables, companion care at home can help make it a little better than that. They can help a senior create a luscious smoothie that is filled with nutrients from kale, apples, oranges, spinach, and anything else they can blend up. Smoothies are easy to drink down and can even be super hydrating during the summertime. This can be one of the best ways to make nutrients feel like a treat rather than an icky chore. Just because a senior is older does not mean they like to eat their vegetables raw. However, getting all of these nutrients in their bodies can help them thrive and age gracefully so it is important.

Start Meditating

Your senior loved one may want to start meditating daily or even journaling. This is a way to help them process their thoughts about aging in place and allow them to accept feelings as they come and go. It allows them to accept the things they can not control, analyze the problems, and even come up with solutions in a calm way. It can be good for the soul and help them understand themselves better. This can allow them to be comfortable with who they are, their surroundings, and much more while they age in place. It is one of the best ways to remain calm and thoughtful which can be perfect for seniors working with companion care at home.

Keep Moving

The minute a senior stops moving is the minute they should be worried about. Even if your loved one is battling inflammation or other chronic diseases they should be focused on moving as much as possible while aging in place. Your loved one needs to incorporate movement into their daily routine because it will help them with stability, agility, and strength. The more your loved one can do on their own the more likely they are to thrive and live at home for much longer even with the help of companion care at home.

If you or an aging family member are considering professional Companion Care at Home Services in Garden City NY,  please call the caring staff at A Gentle Touch Senior Home and Health Care at 631-647-7622  today. From our family to yours, your loved one will be right at home with our first-class quality services.