Seniors: Boost Your Immune System

Seniors: Boost Your Immune System This Winter Season

With flu season and cold weather upon us, boosting your immune system is imperative. As we age, our immune system weakens, making us more prone to illness.

Here are a few immune boosting tips to get your loved ones through the season.

  1. Minimize Stress 
    • Stress is a normal part of everyone’s lives. Whether it is social stress, work stress or isolation, each can take a toll on the body. Having a more peaceful outlook on life through yoga and meditation can help cope with stress. Hobbies that bring you joy are another way to boost your morale and your immune system.
  2. Eat a Healthy, Nutrient-Rich Diet 
    • Older people typically eat less and have less variety in their food choices. It is important they get their essential vitamins through their diet. Another alternative is to introduce a multi-vitamin into the daily routine to ensure they are getting the proper nutrients.
  3. Get Moderate Exercise
    • This is one of the best ways to keep your immune system functioning at the best levels. You do not need to push your limits, as a walk or light jog a few times a week can have good effects.
  4. Get Vaccinated
    • Vaccines, like the flu vaccines, have significantly lowered the rates of sickness and death amongst older adults.
  5. Stay Hydrated
    • Humans need 8-9 glasses of fluid a day. Seniors tend to sense thirst less than younger people so it is important to monitor their intake. Fluids help us stay active and hydrated and in turn helps our immune system stay healthy.
  6. Sleep
    • Sleep is one of the best natural immune system boosters. It helps us fend off illness, respond better to stress and other irritants.

While illness is not inevitable for all seniors during the winter months, it is helpful to be proactive to avoid preventable colds and sicknesses.

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