Post-Stroke House Cleaning Tips

Elderly Care in Bay Shore NY: Adjusting to life after a stroke isn’t easy. Strokes can cause significant disability, including the inability to use one arm. Although you may be tempted to do everything for your aging loved one after a stroke, it may make them feel useless and reduce their sense of self-worth.

Snacks Diabetic Seniors Should Avoid

Senior Care in Amityville NY: If you are a family caregiver that looks out for an elderly relative, you have your hands full with all their daily needs. From dressing and grooming, to housekeeping and meal prep, there are a number of things to manage for your loved one. Even if you have hired a senior care provider to help, your responsibilities are numerous. When you add diabetes into the mix, it can further complicate your aging relative’s care plan.

Meditation Eases Stress and May Slow Cognitive Decline

Home Care in Bellmore NY: Cognitive decline is one of the issues some senior citizens face. Stress is another. Research shows that meditation helps ease both stress and cognitive decline. Is it a technique your parent should learn? It is easy to learn and may have benefits that really help seniors stay healthy.

Tips to Help Prevent Foot Complications in a Senior with Diabetes

Elder Care in Brookhaven NY: Foot complications are some of the most common issues among those living with diabetes. These complications can be painful and uncomfortable, and can lead to serious consequences including infection and even the loss of feet. Fortunately there are ways that you as your parents family caregiver can help them to prevent foot complications such as infections, ulcers, and nerve damage.

Can Elderly Adults Become Malnourished?

Senior Care in Bay Shore NY: There are millions of elderly Americans across the country that are seriously impacted by the effects of an insufficient diet. Too many seniors fail to take in enough nutrients on a daily basis, causing health issues that affect their quality of life. Family caregivers may not understand much about malnourishment in seniors and often never think of such a condition affecting their elderly relatives. However, there are many factors that contribute to malnourishment in aging adults.

Home Care Focus: Care at Night

Caregiver in Babylon NY: During the night you need to get enough sleep to keep you healthy and ensure that you will be able to function safely and effectively each day. This means if your parent has difficulties such as wandering, falling, sundowning, or other problems, you will need to find another way to ensure that they are managed properly. Fortunately, home care may be the ideal solution.

Tips for Caring for a Senior with Chickenpox

Elder Care in Bellmore NY: Chickenpox can be an uncomfortable and even miserable illness that can last for a week or more and result in symptoms including an itchy rash, fatigue, and headache.. As a family caregiver, it is important to recognize that when an elderly adult contracts chickenpox, it can also be dangerous.